Hírek Évad 3 Best Of
Hírek Best Of
Koncertnap – A concert for the best
It’s concert day! The final day of playing together for the best-off…
6. Nap – Breakfast and fast break
Now is time to relax and do some things other than music!…
5. Nap – Alone we go faster, tutti we go further
Last day of rehearsal; last day before the break. Last day to…
4. Nap – From an orchestra to the other
After the heat, it was the turn of the rain to follow…
3. Nap – Trans-Mission
Second day, and tired is clearly presents. But energy is still here,…
2. Nap – Singing in the rain
Let the music start! After a visit to the castle and its…
1. Nap – Miles and Smiles
Here we are. The best of Trina Orchestra. One week of sharing…