The Trina Orchestra, a musical adventure for young Europeans

Initiated by the twinning committees and organized by the music schools of the twinned towns, this project brings together teenagers and young adults from three different nations.

This programme is financed by Gerstetten in Germany, Cébazat in France and Pilisvörösvár in Hungary with the help of OFAJ / DFJW and Baden Württemberg Stiftung.

This initiative enables each town in turn to host nearly seventy musicians for over a week.Designed on a three-year basis, it brings together students that everything, from language to culture, separates.

They have, however, one thing in common: music.

Their day is organized around intensive rehearsals and the discovery of local gastronomy and culture. During the stay, a day off spent visiting the host region brings the group even closer together.

A concert broadcast on this site will conclude The Trina Orchestra adventure.

Years of existence
Young Europeans
Km discovered
Note played